Some time last week my husband and I watched the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was very interesting and sparked an interest in other food research. We quickly discovered that we, as most Americans, were remarkably deficient with our fruit and vegetable intake.
After doing some further investigating we decided to try a juice fast. Basically, a juice fast is when a person abstains from solid foods for a period of time and only drinks fresh veggie and fruit juice. We would juice lots of veggies and fruits and that is what we ate for two days. (Now, please know that I do not claim to be a professional and do not recommend doing a juice fast without first consulting a dr) Originally, we were going to do a juice fast for about a week but because we are very active and workout a lot we decided that it would be better for us to take in solid foods as well. So we began eating lots of fruits and veggies with the juice and gradually added proteins back in to our diet as well.
It has been almost a week since we got the juicer and I do not regret getting the juicer at all. I see a juice fast as a "recalibration" of my digestive system and taste buds. I have never wanted to eat fruits and veggies like I do right now. If I think about a Mcdonalds Big Mac or any other fast food meal I just about vomit in my mouth. Studies have shown that people benefit from every meal being 51% raw fruits and vegetables and I love knowing that I am getting that in a concentrated juice form.
Now, when I don't get my juice for a while I begin to feel groggy and tired. I try to take in at least a half cup of juice per meal (every three hours) and I am able to go the entire day without feeling tired at all. It is an amazing feeling to get all the vitamins I need naturally. It's something that I can't really convey in words and so I would encourage all to get a juicer and add natures juice to your diet.
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