Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4th of July "USA" Decor

This project didn't cost me a penny to do. Can't complain about that!


*X-Acto Knife
*Old Book
*Elmers Glue

Take your cardboard and trace out the shape of letter you wish to have. I drew out my own on paper but I'm sure it would be very easy to print off a letter from a word document. You will need two identical pieces for each letter. One for the back and one for the front.

 Take the leftover cardboard and cut out strips to bring the two pieces for each letter together. After you have it all cut out you can start to tape it all together. When it is all together it will look like this.
Now you are ready to start with the paper mache. Take your glue and mix with water. 1 part water to 3 parts glue. Using pages from your book rip them into strips, dip in your paper mache mixture then smooth on your letter.

When it is completely covered and you are satisfied all you need do is wait for it to dry :)

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