Mr. "Creole" and I met when we both ended up on the same wild fire crew in the summer of 2007. I was a small town dreamer from the mountains and he was the Cajun raised city boy from the coast. Have to say nothing will help you get to know someone quicker than learning to rely on each other during a raging thousand acre forest fire. We quickly became friends and two years later were married.
Mr. "Creole" is a recent convert to the law enforcement with a background in Emergency Medical Services and structural fire fighting. He has been working in law enforcement now for just under a year and is loving it. He's my superman.
I, a.k.a. Mrs. "Creole", have a degree in Social Work and worked in teen suicide prevention before we moved for Mr. Creoles most recent work opportunity. I have not been able to find work here so I have been transitioning into a home making rockstar. I have been working to revive my love of crafting and cooking as a way to pass time and fulfill my desire to thrive. I always do my best to revive what others think is crap and make it my own.
Cocoa Bean "Creole" is the most recent addition to our little family. She was last years early Christmas present from the hubster when he was at the academy thousands of miles away. She will be one year old next month and is the most adorable brindle pug I have ever laid eyes on.
We are coming up on our second anniversary in a month and haven't been happier. I remember people telling me that the first two years of marriage are the hardest but it wasn't hard for us at all. Sure we've had some hard circumstances. We have moved 3 times in the past 18 months. Endured thousands of miles of separation during months of law enforcement academy. Adopted a puppy. And moved cross country away from anyone and everyone we have ever known. We have had quite an adventure so far and look forward to many more. We always focus on remaining positive because we may not have it all together but together we have it all.
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