Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunburst Mirror Wall Decoration

I have always had a desire to paint rooms in the apartments I have been living in. However, because I do not want to have to repaint everything white when we move out it's something I never really put into action.  So, I have to come up with alternative ways of making our overly white walls a little more "home-y".  That way we don't feel like we are living in a psych ward :) I did some looking online and found an idea I liked here.

I really liked the idea but didn't really feel attached to the end result. I felt like the colors were too sharp, something that would stand out a little too much on our pristine white walls.  But I decided to try it out anyway.  So I started rolling out my magazine pages. 

I like something that looks a little more rustic than in the original idea.  So I got some brown paint from the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby for $.50 (woohoo!) and watered it down. I painted each of the rolled magazines with the mix. When they dried they looked almost like old newspapers.

Then I started to assemble with my hot glue gun by pasting the small ends of the rolls to a round piece of cardboard I cut out. 

After that was done I pasted another circular piece of cardboard to the top side of papers to give it more stability. I didn't really know what to do with the middle part of it. I didn't like the idea of putting more paper in the middle for fear of it looking like a pile of trash pasted to the wall.

So... I put a round mirror in the middle (that I got 50% off!)  I took a scrap piece of fabric and attached it to the back and hung it on the wall in the dining area.

I have to say I am quite happy with the way it turned out. 

Yes, I know... I didn't show the entire dining room. Well, there is a reason for that :) It is a bit of a mess right now with all my crafting glory all over the place ha ha. When I get the place cleaned up a little bit I will take a picture of the entire wall and post it :)

This post is in memory of my beloved mini hot glue gun.
It has served me well for many years and did its best to glue my projects until the very end.
We were quite the team til it died with a flash of light, a loud bang and lots of smoke.
Goodbye my beloved.
It really does look rather pathetic...


  1. You are so funny. Give my regards to the widow Mrs.gluegun. I am sorry for her tragic loss. I love the paper,mirror, wall thingy! :)

  2. I will pass on the message of sorrow lol Thanks, it was super easy and so cheap!!
